SCT01Stromatoxin-1 / ScTx1
Stromatoxin-1 / ScTx1
Blocker of Kv2 channels(鉀離子通道Kv2阻斷劑)
Stromatoxin-1 (ScTx-1) has been isolated from the venom of the African tarentula Stromatopelma calceata.Stromatoxin-1 is a 34 amino-acid long peptide that belongs to the structural family of inhibitor cystine knot peptides reticulated by three disulfide bridges. It has an amidated C-terminus and bears strong homology with hanatoxin 1 (83%).Stromatoxin-1 inhibits with high affinities Kv2.1 and Kv2.2, that encode delayed K+ channels (respectively, with IC50 of 12 and 21 nM). The block is voltage-dependent and slowly reversible. Stromatoxin-1 is also a very sensitive inhibitor of Kv4.2, that encodes a transient K+ current (IC50 of 1.2 nM). Here also, the block is voltage-dependent indicating that ScTx-1 acts as a gating modifier rather than a pore blocker. Reversibility is faster on Kv4.2 channels. In contrast,Stromatoxin-1 has no effect on Kv1.1, Kv1.2, Kv1.3, Kv1.4, Kv1.5, Kv1.6 or Kv3.4 channels. The toxin has also no effect on voltage-dependent Na+ and Ca2+ channels of cerebellar granule cells. Stromatoxin-1 was found to increase the spontaneous phasic contraction amplitude, muscle force and tone in isolated rat urinary bladder smooth muscle. It also enhances myogenic constriction in pressurized arterial segments.
Stromatoxin-1 技術資料
二硫鍵: Cys2-Cys16, Cys9-Cys21 and Cys15-Cys28
長度 (aa): 34
分子式: C156H237N49O48S7
分子量:3791,3 Da
外觀: white lyophilized solid
可溶性: water or saline buffer
CAS 號:not available
來源: Synthetic
純度: > 98%
SCT01-50010 | Stromatoxin-1 | 5 x 0.01mg |
SCT01-00100 | Stromatoxin-1 | 0.1mg |
SCT01-00500 | Stromatoxin-1 | 0.5mg |
SCT01-01000 | Stromatoxin-1 | 1mg |
- smartox 多肽毒素
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- SCT01Stromatoxin-1 / ScTx1
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