霍尼韋爾LP-1200手泵Honeywell Hand Pump H-010-0901-000氣體檢測管霍尼韋爾手泵
操作:檢測前對手泵 LP-1200 進行氣密性檢查
(1) 把手泵上端的螺母旋緊。
(2) 把手柄推到底并固定,取一支沒有用過的檢測管插入手泵。
(3) 手柄上的紅色圓點和手泵底部的紅色圓點對齊。
(4) 用力拉著手柄拉到底并鎖定,等待一分鐘。
(5) 把手柄旋轉 90 度,手柄慢慢放回至原位置,此時如果看到軸桿返回到原始位置 3mm 以內,說明氣密性良好。
霍尼韋爾LP-1200手泵Honeywell Hand Pump H-010-0901-000氣體檢測管霍尼韋爾手泵
The LP-1200 is a piston-type hand pump that draws a fixed volume of gas, selectable at either 50 mL or 100 mL by rotating the handle. A tight vacuum seal is formed by a greased plunger gasket. The tapered rubber inlet accommodates a range of tube diameters for different types of tubes. The inlet filter prevents glass pieces and dust from entering the shaft. An end-of-flow indicator in the handle turns white when the gas sampling is complete. A pump stroke counter is rotated to keep track of the number of strokes completed.
手泵氣體采集器霍尼韋爾氣體檢測管采樣泵 氣體檢測管霍尼韋爾手泵
霍尼韋爾氣體檢測管Honeywell測毒管 檢測管產(chǎn)品列表