摘要:為了減少氮肥對環(huán)境的影響,改善其目前的低效率,目前農業(yè)中氮肥的使用面臨著巨大的壓力。近幾十年來,硝化抑制劑和/或間作作物成為解決這些問題的有用工具。本試驗的目的是研究這些技術對玉米-小麥輪作的產量、氮素利用效率(NUE)和氮素淋失的影響。研究了六種處理,將單獨使用硫酸鹽(ASN)或與硝化抑制劑(DMPSA或3,4-二甲基吡唑琥珀酸)以及使用或不使用野豌豆(Vicia sativa L.)作為間作。結果表明,施肥處理在作物發(fā)育方面沒有表現出顯著差異,但DMPSA的使用延遲了硝酸鹽(NO3)的有效性,并減少了N淋失(玉米收獲后平均N淋失減少約25%)。另一方面,將紫云英用作間作作物有助于減少缺氮的負面影響,同時在隨后的作物收獲期間增加土壤中的氮濃度(4.5 kg N ha)泈1)并減少了因淋濾造成的損失(玉米-小麥季節(jié)后,氮淋濾平均減少約14%)。這兩種技術(DMPSA和vetch間作)的結合同時表現出協(xié)同效應,并大大改善了灌溉玉米-小麥系統(tǒng)的環(huán)境影響。
Figure 2. Chlorophyll (Chl), flflavonol (Flav), anthocyanins (Anth) and NBI indexes (all of them
dimensionless) estimated with the Dualex® for the different treatments along the maize cycle. Bars represent the standard error. Treatments were combinations of ASN, ASN + DMPSA (DMPSA) or no N fertilization (0 N) and the intercropping use (IC) or absence (C).
Nitrate Leaching in Maize (Zea mays L.) and Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Irrigated Cropping Systems under Nitrifification Inhibitor and/or Intercropping Effects
Abstract: The use of nitrogen fertilizers in agriculture is currently under high pressure to reduce its environmental impact and improve its currently low effificiency. Nitrifification inhibitors and/or intercrops emerged in recent decades as useful tools to combat these problems. The objective of the experiment is to study the effect of these techniques on the yield, the nitrogen use effificiency (NUE) and N leaching in a maize–wheat rotation. Six treatments were studied, combining the use of ammonium nitrate sulfate (ASN) alone or with a nitrifification inhibitor (DMPSA or 3,4-dimethylpyrazole succinic acid) and the use or absence of vetch (Vicia sativa L.) as an intercrop. The results showed that fertilized treatments did not show signifificant differences in crop development, but the use of DMPSA delayed the nitrate (NO3 ) availability and reduced N leaching losses (average N leaching reductions around 25% after maize harvest). On the other hand, the use of vetch as an intercrop helped to reduce the negative effects of N defificiency and, at the same time, increased the concentration of N in the soil during the following crop harvest (4.5 kg N ha泈1 on average after wheat harvest) and reduced losses due to leaching (average N leaching reductions around 14% after the maize–wheat season). The combination of both techniques (DMPSA and vetch intercrop) at the same time presented a synergic effect and greatly improved the environmental impact of the irrigated maize–wheat system.
Keywords: sustainable cropping systems; nitrogen use effificiency; fertilizer management; vetch; maize; wheat
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