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今天給大家分享的是2015年4月份 《Catalysis Communications》上發(fā)表的一篇名為:Enhanced activity of MnxW0.05Ti0.95 ? xO2 ? δ for selective catalytic reduction of NOx with ammonia by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis
A series of TiO2 supported MnWOx catalysts MnxW0.05Ti0.95 ? xO2 ? δ (x = 0.05, 0.1, 0.15) were synthesized by solution combustion method. The Mn0.10W0.05Ti0.85O2 ? δ catalyst showed highest activity in NH3-SCR reaction within a broad temperature range of 200 °C–400 °C. XRD and TEM results indicate that the active Mn and W species are highly dispersed over TiO2 support in the form of nanoparticles (4–7 nm). The TEM and H2-TPR results also suggest that a MnWOx phase has been formed on the TiO2, which is beneficial for the activity of the MnxW0.05Ti0.95 ? xO2 ? δ catalysts in the high temperature range of 280 °C–400 °C.