當前位置:深圳市諾亞迪化學科技有限公司>>樣品前處理>>Merck-默克>> 1.14236.0001Merck液液萃取柱配件--EXtrelut®NT 1
Merck 固相萃取小柱 SCX (40-63um) 200mg 3
Merck固相萃取小柱SCX (40-63um) 500mg 3 ml
Merck固相萃取小柱 Si (25-40um) 200mg 3 ml
Merck固相萃取小柱 Si (40-63um) 500mg 3 ml
Extrelut® NT simplifies liquid-liquid extraction in its most effective form by using a chemically inert, wide-pore and highly pure diatomaceous earth based solid phase. Depending on the sample volume three types of columns are available: Extrelut® NT1 can take up a maximum of one ml, Extrelut® NT3 three ml and Extrelut® NT20 up to twenty ml of sample.