Advantest Q8382 光譜分析儀|OSA|日本愛德萬
品牌:日本愛德萬 | Advantest
The Q8381/Q8382 is the ideal optical spectrum analyzer for use in spectrum and side mode ratio analysis for DFB laser diodes. At 0.5 nm and 1 nm from the peak wavelength, these analyzers provide a dynamic range of 50 dB and 40 dB, respectively. By connecting a preselector (Q83811) to the Q8382, it is possible to achieve a dynamic range of 60 dB at 1 nm away and 50 dB at 0.5 nm away from the peak wavelength.
These analyzers cover from visible light at 0.6 um to long wavelengths of 1.75 um with 0.1 nm resolution and a measurement accuracy of 0.5 nm, making them suitable for wide-dynamic -range measurements of not only laser diode spectra, but of optical fiber or optical component loss, when teamed with the TQ8111 White Light Source. An auto-function feature and a diverse range of cursor functions, automatic half-value width measurement functions, and normalization are provided to further improve operational simplicity and breadth of applications.
-- Wavelength Range: .06 to 1.75 um
-- 0.1 nm Resolution
-- 50 dB Dynamic Range
-- 60 dB Dynamic Range with Q83811 Preselector (Q8382)
-- High Speed Measurement