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labomed,GC-4500 labomed,GC-4500氣相色譜儀,GC-4500 Gas Chromatography Sy




世聯(lián)博研(北京)科技有限公司(Bio Excellence International Tech Co.,Ltd)簡稱為世聯(lián)博研。世聯(lián)博研是一家集進口科研儀器代理銷售以及實驗技術服務于一體的技術公司。世聯(lián)博研專注生物力學和3D生物打印前沿科研設備代理銷售及科研實驗項目合作服務,內容涵蓋了血管力學生物學、生物力學建模仿真與應用、細胞分子生物力學、組織修復生物力學、骨與關節(jié)生物力學、口腔力學生物學、眼耳鼻咽喉生物力學、康復工程生物力學、生物材料力學與仿生學、人體運動生物力學等生物力學研究以及生物材料打印、打印樣品生物力學性能測試分析的前沿領域科研利器和科研服務。




labomed,GC-4500氣相色譜儀,GC-4500 Gas Chromatography System

GC-4500 Gas Chromatography System



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5 kinds of sample injectors and all conventional detectors can be attachable depending on samples for analysis. In particular, for analysis of environmental samples (water quality, air, soil and wastes) satisfactory outcome can be achieved by connecting a sample preparation system such as the Purge & Trap.


  • Automatic flow control and ignition of the FID- flame
  • Auto-start of chromatogram when sample is injected
  • Gas save function (Capillary Injector)
  • TCD maximum current control based on the type of gas
  • Optional valves (solenoid, 2-position) control function
  • Automatic notification of power-off

Inligent Pneumatic Control (IPC):

  • Full automatic flow control of IPC
  • Pressure range: 0-100psi (resolution: 0.01psi)
  • Flow range: 0-500mL/min (resolution:  0.01mL/min)
  • Split ratio up to 5000:1

Auto Sampler/Injector:

  • Dual inlet injection capability
  • Variable injection/syringe fill rates
  • Methods linking
  • Multiple solvent/waste bottles
  • Syringe range 5uL-250uL
  • Air gapping capability
  • Multiple tray options: 120 vials, 1.8mL; 220 vials, 0.8mL; 60 vials, 10mL

Gas Sampling Valve:

  • Two Valves can be controlled by Air Actuation
  • Full automation system is built along with the automatic Run/Stop function



Excellent accuracy, reproducibility

Packed Inlet:

  • 1/4”,1/8” Glass-lined Metal Liner are available
  • On-Column injection method (direct injection of sample into column) is available using 1/4” Glass Column
  • 0.53mm ID Capillary Column can be used

Capillary Inlet:

  • High resolution, prompt analysis time and most typical inlet system
  • Split and Splitless mode can be selectable


DETECTORS - High selectivity and sensitivity

FID (Flame lonization Detector):

  • Improved sensitivity into 19mCoulomb/g Carbon
  • Easy to disassemble and assemble detector
  • Minimization of sample degeneration as well as jet pollution by means of inert quartz jet
  • Auto ignition of hydrogen flame
  • Use as TID by replacing a collector and bead

TCD (Thermal Conductivity Detector):

  • High detection reproducibility by excellent temperature stability
  • Supplying static current to 4 Rhenium-Tungsten filaments and selecting the optimal reactivity by changing the filament current by 2mA according to detector temperature.

TID (Thermionic Ionization Detector); NPD:

  • Selective reaction to phosphorous or nitrogen compounds like organic phosphorous pesticides
  • TID Bead Current Auto Optimization: Automatic ignition as the optimal current supplied by sensing the bead condition of alkali Rb Salt.
  • The induction of nitrogen/phosphorous is more 104 times than that of carbon

PDD (Pulsed Discharge Detector):

  • ECD Mode: Analysis of organic chloric pesticides; MDQ-Pico (10-12 g) of Femto (10-15 g)
  • HID Mode: Non-destructive Detector; Noble gas analysis/ FID substitute
  • PDPID Mode



Easy and Excellent Control:

  • Exact flow/pressure control by IPC (Inligent Pneumatic Control)
  • Auto ignition of FID flame
  • Auto control of TCD current
  • Auto start function as sample injection (Better reproducibility)
  • Check for GC operation by STATUS INFORMATION window
  • Auto repeat analysis function
  • Can Control 2-Position Valves (2ea) and Solenoid Valves (6ea)
  • Gas save function

Safety Function:

  • In case of FID flame off, auto off for Air/H2/ Make-up gas flow (available from next version)
  • TCD Filament protect function: Current off when the Carrier/Reference Gas does not flow (available from next version)
  • Automatic notification of power-off: It informs turning off the GC safely by one clicking of the disconnect button
  • Auto shutdown function when some problem happen by each device

Status Information Window:

  • Checking Analysis Progress
  • Confirming Serial Number and Hardware Version
  • Confirming Error Message

Schedule Program:

  • Control Solenoid Valves and 2-Position Valves
  • Auto Repeat Analysis


The Liquid Auto Sampler, an entirely new sampling system designed and built to automate any GC. If you are looking for a sampling system to replace an older, less reliable auto sampler, the Liquid Auto Sampler is the logical choice. The flexibility of the Liquid Auto Sampler also allows customization for special applications. State-of- the-art component technology with easy-to-use operating features make the Liquid Auto Sampler suitable for routine as well as research level sampling requirements.

  • Direct Syringe Injection
  • Variable Injection Rates
  • Variable Syringe Fill Rates
  • Dual Inlet Injection Capability
  • Syringe Range 5uL-250uL
  • Multiple Tray Option: 120 vials, 1.8mL; 220 vials, 0.8mL; 60 vials, 10mL
  • Uses Off-the Shelf Syringes


The Headspace Auto Sampler utilizes a closed sample introduction system. Unlike syringe injection systems, the loss of headspace vapor during the injection process due to vapor pressure changes is never a concern. In addition to the sensitivity benefits of the Dynamic Headspace technology, the Headspace Auto Sampler delivers the added flexibility of performing traditional fixed loop injections and time-based injections incorporated within a single system. Whether your preference is to make a highly reproducible timed injection to minimize the number of sample pathway components, a known/fixed volume loop injection or a concentrated injection for improved sensitivity, the Headspace Auto Sampler is the right instrument for you.

  • Horizontal rotary evaporation cuts equilibration times by 80%
  • High-capacity 90-position sample carousel
  • Automatic leak and integrity check

Patented Dual Needle Dynamic Headspace


  • Static Loop Injection-A fixed volume loop available in various sizes is filled with the headspace vapor to inject a known volume of sample into the GC.
  • Static Time-Based Injection (Pressure Balanced)
  • The headspace vapor is directed to the GC for a programmed period of time.
  • Dynamic Headspace Trap Injection -The headspace vapor is continually displaced from the sample vial and collected on an adsorbent trap for a concentrated injection.


    • Technical Specifications

      Column Oven

      Inner volume

      16.25 liter (250mm W* 260mm D*250mm H)

      Temperature Range

      Ambient to 400℃

      Linear Programming Rate

      Max: 120℃/min up to 400℃ (0.1℃ increment)

      Heating Rate

      About 2.3 minutes 50℃ to 300℃

      Cooling Rate

      About 6 minutes 300℃ to 50℃

      Run Time

      Automatically computed to 999.9 minutes by 0.1 minute increments

      Temp. Programming

      30 Step

      Pneumatics (IPC Module)

      IPC pressure range

      0 to 100psi

      IPC flow range

      0 to 450mL/min

      Pressure resolution


      Flow resolution


      Support IPC Channels

      Up to 20, for inlets, detectors or auxiliary gases (including pressure channel)

      Pressure/flow programming steps

      up to 5 steps

      EPC control

      Inlets and detectors (carrier, split vent, make-up and combustion gases)

      Split ratio

      up to 5000:1

      Detector Modules Flow set range

      FID/NPD make-up

      0-100 mL/min

      FID air

      0-450 mL/min

      FID hydrogen

      0-100 mL/min

      TCD make-up

      0-130 mL/min

      TCD reference

      0-100 mL/min

      FPD make-up

      0-130 mL/min

      FPD air

      0-250 mL/min

      FPD hydrogen

      0-300 mL/min

      Inlet Modules Pressure sensor


      ±2% full scale



      Temp. coefficient


      Inlet Modules Flow sensor



      ±5% depending on carrier gas


      ±0.35% of set point

      Temp. coefficient

      ±0.20mL/min normalized temp. and pressure

      Data Acquisition System

      Dynamic range


      Sampling Rate

      User selectable 10-60Hz per channel

      Analog signal voltage ranges


      Analog to digital conversion resolution

      21 bits at all sampling rates

      External event I/O ports



      Start, stop control independent


      Data Visualization

      Up to chromatograms in real time, zoom/unzoom at any time; Scrutinize focused peaks, display baseline; Chromatograms overlap, background subtraction.


      Data Management

      Data export results as Text files; Dynamic data exchange to Microsoft windows applications; Various data management techniques support the time event programming (17items).


      Custom reports

      Peak number, retention time, peak name, peak area, peak height, area%, height%, peak start time, theoretical plates, capacity factor, peak resolution, peak asymmetry, regression coefficient value, correlation coefficient value, standard deviation, weight function, relative retention time, calibration equations.

      Dimensions, weight and power






      220V, 50/60Hz,2.7kW

      Inlet System (Injector)

      Maximum installed Qty.



      Packed column inlet, Septum purge Packed column Inlet, Capillary Column Inlet, GSV, Auto Gas Sampling System and etc.

      Temp. Range

      Ambient to 400℃


      Packed Inlet

      1/4", 1/8" Glass-lined Metal Liner are available.

      On-Column injection method is available using 1/4" Glass Column

      0.53mm ID Capillary Column can be used


      Capillary Inlet

      High resolution, prompt analysis time and most typical inlet system

      Split and Splitless mode can be selectable


      Gas Sampling Valve

      4 Valves can be controlled by Air Actuation

      Controlling Multi Position Valve

      Full automation system is built along with the automatic Run/Stop function


      Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD)


      Flow through cell design, 4 Rhenium/tungsten filaments (32/each)

      Temp. Range

      Ambient to 400℃

      Bridge Power Supply

      Constant current system (1-400mA)

      Filament Protection circuit

      Automatically protect from over load and over current

      Micro-cell TCD


      4 coaxial, hot wire cell

      Response Time


      Internal Volume



      Ideal for use with capillary columns

      Flame Ionization Detector (FID)

      Electrode Voltage



      0.700pgC/s for dodecane




      >9 mCoulomb/g Carbon (for C3H8)

      Jet Tip

      Made by Quartz and supplied with -230V for excellent ion collection

      Temp. Range

      Ambient to 400℃


      Can be used TID by exchanging the bead and collector

      Thermionic Ionization Detector (TID)


      Electrically heated, alkali-impregnated thermionic surface in chemically reactive H2-Air environment


      N, P specific

      Bead Current

      Auto Optimization

      Thermionic Source

      Rigid Rb/Cs/Sr-ceramic surface on Ni-ceramic sublayer




      at H2=3mL/min

      N/C 105 (azobenzene/C) 10gN/gC

      N/P 0.4 (azobenzene/malathion) gN/gP

      P/C 105 (malathion/C ) 10gP/gC 


      10-13 gN/sec(azobenzene)


      105 (nicotine)


      Can be used for FID by exchanging the bead and the collector

      Pulsed Discharge Detector(PDD)


      Pulsed DC discharge in He



      10X range: 1.0V/nA

      1X range: 1.0V/nA±1%(HID only)



      10X: 10nA full-scale

      1X: 100nA full-scale(HID only)





      Organic compound (Low ppb)

      Permanent gas (Low ppm)



    Mass Spectrometer + GC-4500 Gas Chromatography System

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    5 kinds of sample injectors and all conventional detectors can be attachable depending on samples for analysis. In particular, for analysis of environmental samples (water quality, air, soil and wastes) satisfactory outcome can be achieved by connecting a sample preparation system such as the Purge & Trap.


    • Automatic flow control and ignition of the FID- flame
    • Auto-start of chromatogram when sample is injected
    • Gas save function (Capillary Injector)
    • TCD maximum current control based on the type of gas
    • Optional valves (solenoid, 2-position) control function
    • Automatic notification of power-off

    Inligent Pneumatic Control (IPC):

    • Full automatic flow control of IPC
    • Pressure range: 0-100psi (resolution: 0.01psi)
    • Flow range: 0-500mL/min (resolution:  0.01mL/min)
    • Split ratio up to 5000:1

    Auto Sampler/Injector:

    • Dual inlet injection capability
    • Variable injection/syringe fill rates
    • Methods linking
    • Multiple solvent/waste bottles
    • Syringe range 5uL-250uL
    • Air gapping capability
    • Multiple tray options: 120 vials, 1.8mL; 220 vials, 0.8mL; 60 vials, 10mL

    Gas Sampling Valve:

    • Two Valves can be controlled by Air Actuation
    • Full automation system is built along with the automatic Run/Stop function



    Excellent accuracy, reproducibility

    Packed Inlet:

    • 1/4”,1/8” Glass-lined Metal Liner are available
    • On-Column injection method (direct injection of sample into column) is available using 1/4” Glass Column
    • 0.53mm ID Capillary Column can be used

    Capillary Inlet:

    • High resolution, prompt analysis time and most typical inlet system
    • Split and Splitless mode can be selectable


    DETECTORS - High selectivity and sensitivity

    FID (Flame lonization Detector):

    • Improved sensitivity into 19mCoulomb/g Carbon
    • Easy to disassemble and assemble detector
    • Minimization of sample degeneration as well as jet pollution by means of inert quartz jet
    • Auto ignition of hydrogen flame
    • Use as TID by replacing a collector and bead

    TCD (Thermal Conductivity Detector):

    • High detection reproducibility by excellent temperature stability
    • Supplying static current to 4 Rhenium-Tungsten filaments and selecting the optimal reactivity by changing the filament current by 2mA according to detector temperature.

    TID (Thermionic Ionization Detector); NPD:

    • Selective reaction to phosphorous or nitrogen compounds like organic phosphorous pesticides
    • TID Bead Current Auto Optimization: Automatic ignition as the optimal current supplied by sensing the bead condition of alkali Rb Salt.
    • The induction of nitrogen/phosphorous is more 104 times than that of carbon

    PDD (Pulsed Discharge Detector):

    • ECD Mode: Analysis of organic chloric pesticides; MDQ-Pico (10-12 g) of Femto (10-15 g)
    • HID Mode: Non-destructive Detector; Noble gas analysis/ FID substitute
    • PDPID Mode



    Easy and Excellent Control:

    • Exact flow/pressure control by IPC (Inligent Pneumatic Control)
    • Auto ignition of FID flame
    • Auto control of TCD current
    • Auto start function as sample injection (Better reproducibility)
    • Check for GC operation by STATUS INFORMATION window
    • Auto repeat analysis function
    • Can Control 2-Position Valves (2ea) and Solenoid Valves (6ea)
    • Gas save function

    Safety Function:

    • In case of FID flame off, auto off for Air/H2/ Make-up gas flow (available from next version)
    • TCD Filament protect function: Current off when the Carrier/Reference Gas does not flow (available from next version)
    • Automatic notification of power-off: It informs turning off the GC safely by one clicking of the disconnect button
    • Auto shutdown function when some problem happen by each device

    Status Information Window:

    • Checking Analysis Progress
    • Confirming Serial Number and Hardware Version
    • Confirming Error Message

    Schedule Program:

    • Control Solenoid Valves and 2-Position Valves
    • Auto Repeat Analysis


    The Liquid Auto Sampler, an entirely new sampling system designed and built to automate any GC. If you are looking for a sampling system to replace an older, less reliable auto sampler, the Liquid Auto Sampler is the logical choice. The flexibility of the Liquid Auto Sampler also allows customization for special applications. State-of- the-art component technology with easy-to-use operating features make the Liquid Auto Sampler suitable for routine as well as research level sampling requirements.

    • Direct Syringe Injection
    • Variable Injection Rates
    • Variable Syringe Fill Rates
    • Dual Inlet Injection Capability
    • Syringe Range 5uL-250uL
    • Multiple Tray Option: 120 vials, 1.8mL; 220 vials, 0.8mL; 60 vials, 10mL
    • Uses Off-the Shelf Syringes


    The Headspace Auto Sampler utilizes a closed sample introduction system. Unlike syringe injection systems, the loss of headspace vapor during the injection process due to vapor pressure changes is never a concern. In addition to the sensitivity benefits of the Dynamic Headspace technology, the Headspace Auto Sampler delivers the added flexibility of performing traditional fixed loop injections and time-based injections incorporated within a single system. Whether your preference is to make a highly reproducible timed injection to minimize the number of sample pathway components, a known/fixed volume loop injection or a concentrated injection for improved sensitivity, the Headspace Auto Sampler is the right instrument for you.

    • Horizontal rotary evaporation cuts equilibration times by 80%
    • High-capacity 90-position sample carousel
    • Automatic leak and integrity check

    Patented Dual Needle Dynamic Headspace


    • Static Loop Injection-A fixed volume loop available in various sizes is filled with the headspace vapor to inject a known volume of sample into the GC.
    • Static Time-Based Injection (Pressure Balanced)
    • The headspace vapor is directed to the GC for a programmed period of time.
    • Dynamic Headspace Trap Injection -The headspace vapor is continually displaced from the sample vial and collected on an adsorbent trap for a concentrated injection.


      • Technical Specifications

        Column Oven

        Inner volume

        16.25 liter (250mm W* 260mm D*250mm H)

        Temperature Range

        Ambient to 400℃

        Linear Programming Rate

        Max: 120℃/min up to 400℃ (0.1℃ increment)

        Heating Rate

        About 2.3 minutes 50℃ to 300℃

        Cooling Rate

        About 6 minutes 300℃ to 50℃

        Run Time

        Automatically computed to 999.9 minutes by 0.1 minute increments

        Temp. Programming

        30 Step

        Pneumatics (IPC Module)

        IPC pressure range

        0 to 100psi

        IPC flow range

        0 to 450mL/min

        Pressure resolution


        Flow resolution


        Support IPC Channels

        Up to 20, for inlets, detectors or auxiliary gases (including pressure channel)

        Pressure/flow programming steps

        up to 5 steps

        EPC control

        Inlets and detectors (carrier, split vent, make-up and combustion gases)

        Split ratio

        up to 5000:1

        Detector Modules Flow set range

        FID/NPD make-up

        0-100 mL/min

        FID air

        0-450 mL/min

        FID hydrogen

        0-100 mL/min

        TCD make-up

        0-130 mL/min

        TCD reference

        0-100 mL/min

        FPD make-up

        0-130 mL/min

        FPD air

        0-250 mL/min

        FPD hydrogen

        0-300 mL/min

        Inlet Modules Pressure sensor


        ±2% full scale



        Temp. coefficient


        Inlet Modules Flow sensor



        ±5% depending on carrier gas


        ±0.35% of set point

        Temp. coefficient

        ±0.20mL/min normalized temp. and pressure

        Data Acquisition System

        Dynamic range


        Sampling Rate

        User selectable 10-60Hz per channel

        Analog signal voltage ranges


        Analog to digital conversion resolution

        21 bits at all sampling rates

        External event I/O ports



        Start, stop control independent


        Data Visualization

        Up to chromatograms in real time, zoom/unzoom at any time; Scrutinize focused peaks, display baseline; Chromatograms overlap, background subtraction.


        Data Management

        Data export results as Text files; Dynamic data exchange to Microsoft windows applications; Various data management techniques support the time event programming (17items).


        Custom reports

        Peak number, retention time, peak name, peak area, peak height, area%, height%, peak start time, theoretical plates, capacity factor, peak resolution, peak asymmetry, regression coefficient value, correlation coefficient value, standard deviation, weight function, relative retention time, calibration equations.

        Dimensions, weight and power






        220V, 50/60Hz,2.7kW

        Inlet System (Injector)

        Maximum installed Qty.



        Packed column inlet, Septum purge Packed column Inlet, Capillary Column Inlet, GSV, Auto Gas Sampling System and etc.

        Temp. Range

        Ambient to 400℃


        Packed Inlet

        1/4", 1/8" Glass-lined Metal Liner are available.

        On-Column injection method is available using 1/4" Glass Column

        0.53mm ID Capillary Column can be used


        Capillary Inlet

        High resolution, prompt analysis time and most typical inlet system

        Split and Splitless mode can be selectable


        Gas Sampling Valve

        4 Valves can be controlled by Air Actuation

        Controlling Multi Position Valve

        Full automation system is built along with the automatic Run/Stop function


        Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD)


        Flow through cell design, 4 Rhenium/tungsten filaments (32/each)

        Temp. Range

        Ambient to 400℃

        Bridge Power Supply

        Constant current system (1-400mA)

        Filament Protection circuit

        Automatically protect from over load and over current

        Micro-cell TCD


        4 coaxial, hot wire cell

        Response Time


        Internal Volume



        Ideal for use with capillary columns

        Flame Ionization Detector (FID)

        Electrode Voltage



        0.700pgC/s for dodecane




        >9 mCoulomb/g Carbon (for C3H8)

        Jet Tip

        Made by Quartz and supplied with -230V for excellent ion collection

        Temp. Range

        Ambient to 400℃


        Can be used TID by exchanging the bead and collector

        Thermionic Ionization Detector (TID)


        Electrically heated, alkali-impregnated thermionic surface in chemically reactive H2-Air environment


        N, P specific

        Bead Current

        Auto Optimization

        Thermionic Source

        Rigid Rb/Cs/Sr-ceramic surface on Ni-ceramic sublayer




        at H2=3mL/min

        N/C 105 (azobenzene/C) 10gN/gC

        N/P 0.4 (azobenzene/malathion) gN/gP

        P/C 105 (malathion/C ) 10gP/gC 


        10-13 gN/sec(azobenzene)


        105 (nicotine)


        Can be used for FID by exchanging the bead and the collector

        Pulsed Discharge Detector(PDD)


        Pulsed DC discharge in He



        10X range: 1.0V/nA

        1X range: 1.0V/nA±1%(HID only)



        10X: 10nA full-scale

        1X: 100nA full-scale(HID only)





        Organic compound (Low ppb)

        Permanent gas (Low ppm)





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